Healy Resonance

Sale price $2,447.00 Regular price $2,500.00

Healy Hardware includes Healy Apps with Healy Holistic Health Plus and Healy Resonance with Aura and Resonance module.  Also includes connection to the HealAdvisor Cloud.

Although Healy is small, light and inexpensive, it has a lot to offer: it can harmonize your Bioenergetic Field to help balance your mind and body and improve your quality of life, and it can also give you an analysis of your energetic state and help you find ways to improve it.

Healy is an ingenious invention that will provide you with support for your holistic health, your wellbeing, your family and yet it is easy to use. To give you an overview of what Healy can do for you, and to make sure that you only buy what you really need, we have put together the Healy IMF program pages and modules in the form of different editions, so you can choose the best one for you.

Healy Resonance edition contains Healy Holistic Health Plus, i.e. more than 120 Healy IMF programs, plus the HealAdvisor Analyze app with the Resonance and Aura modules.

The resulting optimization patterns can be applied in order to balance emotional imbalances. Many practitioners also use this in addition to the administration of remedies.

Healy offers you IMF programs for the harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field in the following areas:

The Healy’s IMF programs can support you after just a 20 minute application, no matter where you are: playing sports, relaxing, at work, home, or on the go.

Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only for local relief of acute, chronic, and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has non-medical applications that use Individualized Microcurrent Frequencies (IMF) to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. Always use your Healy in accordance with its Instructions for Use.

Tech Specs:

  • Healy: 55 x 55 x 7 mm, 34g
  • Battery power: 145 mAh
  • Input socket: USB-Type B Micro
  • Output voltage: -10 V to +10 V
  • Output current: max. 4 mA
  • Output frequency: direct current up to 1 MHz
  • Packaging: 9,5 x 16 x 5 cm